Date: September 7-9, 2017
Location: Four Pass Loop (bear canisters are required)
Distance: 28 Miles
Elevation Change: 16,000 feet total (8k up and 8k down)
Weather: Perfect – highs in the upper 50s, lows in the 40s
Group: Devin, Greg and Mat
The Four Pass Loop is an iconic backpacking route near Aspen, Colorado.  It wraps around two beautiful 14ers and is surrounded by amazing scenery.  The name of the route stems from the four passes the loop crosses (listed in the order we hiked them):
 - West Maroon Pass – 12,500 feet
 - Frigid Air – 12,415 feet
 - Trail Rider – 12,420 feet
 - Buckskin – 12,500 feet
Due to its popularity, the Forest Service requires you to take a shuttle if you arrive between 8AM and 5PM.  We opted to arrive at about 5:30PM on a Thursday so we could secure an overnight parking spot and avoid delays associated with the shuttle.  We hiked about 3 or 4 miles in that night.
The leaves were just starting to change colors.  Two weeks later would be peak season, but would also be peak crowds.  We hiked past Crater Lake (sounds cooler than it looks) and followed West Maroon Creek to our camping spot for the night.  
We started hiking Friday morning at 7:30AM and worked our way up West Maroon Pass.
The trail drops down briefly after West Maroon Pass before climbing up Frigid Air Pass.  Frigid Air has approximately zero switchbacks.  It goes straight up the mountain, but results in some amazing scenery. 
After the pass, we enjoyed a relatively easy hike down North Fork Basin for several miles.
After a short stop for lunch, we started the long climb towards Trail Rider Pass. 
On the way up Trail Rider, we envied this hawk, which was coasting easily on the air currents. 
Remember that scene from Lord of the Rings – Return of the King where Frodo and Sam are almost to Mount Doom?  They are thirsty, hungry, footsore, and feeling the burden of the load they carry.  Yep – felt just like that making it over the third pass of the day.
We chilled for a bit on top before heading down to Snowmass Lake (yes, those are sandals on Devin – crazy man).
The next morning we were on the trail again at 7:30AM.  With fresher legs, we made good time over Buckskin Pass, the last of the four.
By 11:30 we were back at the car and ready for the post-hike burger and shake.   Overall, this is an amazing route through a beautiful place that merits all the attention it gets.   

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